Photos and stories from my climbing expeditions
Living in a flat country like Denmark provides some challenges if you want to become an alpinist, but if you are motivated and willing to travel a lot, then this is easily overcome. My focus in climbing has been to go on expeditions to all of the great mountain ranges of the world and climb the classic alpine test pieces, although I have also managed to do a few first ascents.
For me mountaineering is about pushing yourself and applying hard earned skills and fitness, but it is also about adventure, friendship, enjoying the most spectacular scenery the world has to offer, making life less complicated and focusing on the task of reaching a summit, simply because you can. However, to reach a summit is not the main criteria of success in alpine climbing. In fact, many of my best and most memorable experiences in the mountains are from expeditions where I did not succeed. Adventure and the process of learning should always be valued as a goal in itself.
Here are some photos from my different climbing expeditions:
Compilation of my Favorite Climbing Photos
Yosemite, California (Trip 1)
Below are some articles that I have written about expeditions:
Den lange rejse til toppen af Fitz Roy (Danish)
Ekstrem alpinisme i Alaska (Danish)
Patagonsk epic under blå himmel (Danish)
Cordillera Blanca - Perus Shangri-La (Danish)
Barske forhold i Alaska (Danish)
En halv rute - et fuldt eventyr (Danish)
Førstebestigningen af Ren Zhong Feng (Danish)
Har dansk alpinisme en fremtid? (Danish)
Minimalister på klatretur i Himalaya (Danish)
Ama Dablam alpine style (English)
First ascent of Ren Zhong Feng (English)
You can also find some slide shows from my various climbing expeditions on my Youtube Channel